Spinning Babies® Workshops

Claire is an approved Spinning Babies® trainer, offering workshops in New Zealand and internationally for professionals who serve people during pregnancy and birth.

Spinning Babies® was developed by midwife Gail Tully to support comfort in pregnancy and ease in birth using the paradigm of physiology before force. Spinning Babies ® offers an opportunity to deepen our knowledge of pelvic and birth anatomy and learn hands on skills to support pelvic balance, room and movement. Spinning Babies® brings body work and birth work together to help improve fetal positioning such as breech, transverse, posterior and to reduce the chance of cesarean. 

Spinning Babies® offers parents simple hands on skills to support themselves during pregnancy and birth. Spinning Babies® offers birth workers - doulas, midwives, osteopaths, chiropractors a different paradigm to view baby's position and birth progress and also simple gentle hands on techniques that can have a powerful impact for change. More info on the Spinning Babies® website.

Choose from the following workshops:

  • 1 day Spinning Babies® workshops

  • 2 day Spinning Babies® workshops

  • Resolving shoulder dystocia 

Find out more about these workshops on the Spinning Babies website.

If you would like to contact Claire to discuss her running a workshop in your area please email claireeccleston@spinningbabies.com.


Womb Rhythms Workshops