About Claire
Claire is a mother of three beautiful children, an experienced registered midwife, a Spinning Babies® approved trainer and a biodynamic craniosacral therapist, a certified STREAM (Scar Tissue Remediation Education and Management) practitioner and a Sexological bodyworker.
Claire has been supporting women’s transitions since 2000. Attending births, offering childbirth education, pregnancy yoga and providing bodywork sessions.
Claire is a dynamic facilitator offering national, international and online workshops and speaking at conferences and events around the globe.
Claire is passionate about the ancient and sacred arts of birth work, bodywork and where they meet. Claire has a deep reverence for our bodies, the rhythms of our physical nature and our earthy intelligence. She honours this womb work with deep reverence, respect and gentleness. Claire is also a wild dancer.
The earth, the moon and the tides have rhythms. Our body has the rhythm of our breath, blood and our hormones. Our womb has rhythms that may follow the moon.